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Introducing the New TwentyThree! What we have done is brought all our products together in the first all in one video marketing platform. Everything that you know is still here, but everything has been improved to make your experience with video even better.

With this update we are enabling everyone at your company to truly use every type of video.

Now let's dive into all the new features we have added.


Let’s talk about the most notable change: the new navigation sidebar. The new sidebar let’s you easily navigate through the 8 pillars of video marketing. This way you always have everything available. 

You can navigate to each workspace you have access to or create a new one by clicking the dropdown button at the top of the page.


When you first login you will be taken to a homepage which keeps you up to date on all your new videos, personal videos and webinars from all of your workspaces. You can also see which webinars are currently live and which are gearing up to start in less than 24 hours. Each user will only see content from workspaces which they have access to. 

Let's take a look through the new icons you will find in the top right of your screen:

Global search

We are also introducing AI augmented video that drives a global search experiences. This lets you search for videos names, content, categories or tags where ever you are. Just type what you are looking for and you’ll easily find it. You can even search through audio transcription of videos.

Video library

On the top right of your page you will see a folder icon - this is the Video Library. This the place where you have videos available across all workspaces and tools. You can use these in a personal video or share them to social accounts you have connected.

New creation button

We want to enable you to use video everywhere. The "New" button on the top is always there letting you upload a video, create a new webinar or record a personal video no matter where in the platform you are.


Video is not a one-man show, which is why we have integrated ways of creating great content together within our tasks.

You can see all of the tasks that you can act on, which includes Recording Tasks as well as the possibility to collaborate in the creation of webinars and videos.


We are seeing more companies using video, and we want to help everyone get the most out of their videos.

That is why we are launching Optimize. Optimize provides customers with recommendations on how to improve video content as well as webinars, you get all the value out of your videos in terms of visibilities both within SEO and within your organisation.

New analytics

Marketers who use video also want to know how well their content is performing, which is why we have worked hard to improve our Analytics to give you the best possible experience. This includes not only making it easier to find what you're looking for, but also integrating all of the things you do with your video content.


In our new feature, Crossposting, you can move videos between product pillars. For example, you can use a video you recorded with Personal, in a webinar or vice versa. This will enable you to use the videos you have uploaded and created in all parts of the product.


We want to create more opportunity for you to use video and this is why we have enabled the option to use video on your webinar registration pages with our new feature, Trailers. This could be to create a trailer for the webinar with highlights about what’s to come, or a branded company video, the choice is now in your hands.


We have now implemented webinar templates, so you can design a webinar and use that exact setup for later webinars. The title, description, speakers, handouts, and email flow will be saved in the template along with everything you have created for the webinar experience, such as polls, waiting room experience and end experience. You can create a new webinar template by saving any webinar you have created as a template.


For customers who are on a pro, complete or enterprise plan, there is now the possibility to have more than one host for a webinar. This means different hosts can carry out different tasks. One can control the chat and questions from the audience, while another host controls the production of the event and choosing camera or screen views. All hosts have equal access, so you always have a back-up and it is up to you if hosts take different roles.

Open webinars

We are also introducing Open webinars - the solution to running a live stream without loosing out on the engagement features of a webinar.

This means that when creating a new webinar you will have the choice to choose if there will be a registration form that the audience must fill out before a webinar. If you choose Open Webinars, audience members can go directly to the webinar room without signing up. This could be perfect for a webinar to promote your brand where it collecting data is secondary to a wide reach of viewers.