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TwentyThree™ API

API Method: /api/album/list

Get a list of albums or channels.


album_id Limit to a single album or channel.
user_id Albums or channels created by a specific user
photo_id List albums or channels from a specific video or photo.
search Search albums for a specific term.
include_hidden_p Include hidden albums in the response. Requires read privileges.
orderby Variable to order albums by.
Default: creation_date
Valid values: sortkey, title, editing_date, creation_date
order Order of the objects in the response.
Default: desc
Valid values: desc and asc
p Page offset for the request. See [pagination](index#pagination) for details.
size Number of objects to include in the response. See [pagination](index#pagination) for details.

Permission level

The minimum required permission level is:


To list hidden albums or channels, and to retrieve hide_p and token the requirement is:


Example XML Response

<response status="ok" permission_level="read" p="1" size="20" total_count="1" cached="0">
  <album album_id="12345" title="Screencasts" 
    pretty_date="May 11, 2009" pretty_time="08:21 AM" 
    one="/channel/49838/screencasts" creation_date_ansi="2009-05-11 08:21:02" 
    user_id="12323" display_name="Ernest Hemmingway" user_url="/user/ernest/" username="ernest"
    token="wUqrwbzagcepyzzrjja5ttns0omoMzon" hide_p="0">
    <content>About the channel</content>
    <content_text>About the channel</content_text>

Example JSON Response

  "status": "ok", 
    "album_id": "12345", "title": "Screencasts", "pretty_date": 
    "May 11, 2009", "pretty_time": "08:21 AM", "one": "/channel/49838/screencasts", 
    "creation_date_ansi": "2009-05-11 08:21:02", "user_id": "12323", 
    "display_name": "Ernest Hemmingway", "user_url": "/user/ernest/", "username": "ernest", 
    "token": "wUqrwbzagcepyzzrjja5ttns0omoMzon", "hide_p": 0, 
    "content": "About the channel", "content_text": "About the channel"}],
  "p": "1",
  "size": "20",
  "total_count": "1",
  "site": { ... },
  "endpoint": "/api/album/list"