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TwentyThree™ API

API Method: /api/analytics/extract/play-details

Extract a details list of all photos on a specific site from the analytics engine.


date_start The starting date of the range from which to get photo details.
date_end The ending date of the range from which to get photo details.
photo_id A comma-separated list of photo_ids to include in the stats. When this parameter is omitted, all stats on the site are included.
exclude_deleted_p Exclude stats for deleted objects.
Default: 0
orderby Variable to order the listed photos by.
Default: downloads
Valid values: downloads, playthrough_average, engagement, embeds
order Order of the objects in the response.
Default: desc
Valid values: desc and asc
p Page offset for the request. See [pagination](index#pagination) for details.
size Number of objects to include in the response. See [pagination](index#pagination) for details.

Permission level

The minimum required permission level is:


Example XML Response

Analytics extraction endpoints do not support XML output formatting.

Example JSON Response

  "status": "ok", 
  "permission_level": "read",
  "cached": "0",
  "analytics": {
    "photos": [
        "photoId": "455471",
        "totals": {
          "playthroughAverage": 40.30,
          "plays": 1210.0,
          "finishes": 323.0,
          "downloadedBytes": 121656230731.0,
          "playEngagement": 339332.51,
          "loads": 3398.0,
          "downloads": 3365.0,
          "events": {
            "load": 3.0
  "p": 1,
  "size": 20,
  "total_count": 256,
  "site": { ... },
  "endpoint": "/api/analytics/extract/play-details"