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TwentyThree™ API

API Method: /api/photo/edit/set-trimming

Set the clip or trimming information for a video


photo_id (required) The ID of the video for which to apply trimming.
ranges (required) A space-separated list of start and end points for the trimming. Both integers and floats are allowed, but all numbers must fall between 0 and the length of the video clip (both included).
duplicate_p Should the trimmimg be applied to a duplicate of this video? The default is 0 in which case the trimming is applied to the specified clip directly. If the value is 1 a new video is created, the trimmimg applied and a new photo_id returned.
duplicate_published_p If the call is creating a duplicate video, should the new clip be published or not? By default, the publish state of the original will be used.

duplicate_title Optionally, set the title of a new duplicate clip.

Permission level

The minimum required permission level is:


Example XML Response

<response status="ok" permission_level="read" cached="0">
  <ranges>99.17259978425028 133.6429447852761</ranges>

Example JSON Response

  "status": "ok", 
    "untrimmed_video_length": "149", 
    "ranges": "99.17259978425028 133.6429447852761", 
    "current_video_length": "34.493",
    "applied_photo_id": "1234",
  "p": "1",
  "size": "1",
  "site": {...},
  "endpoint": "/api/photo/edit/set-trimming"