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TwentyThree™ API

API Method: /api/photo/update

Update the meta data -- including title, description, tags, channel/album and publish status -- of a photo or video.

The only required parameter is photo_id. Whenever parameters are omitted, the current value is retained.


ID of the photo or video.
album_id An album (or channel) ID. Multiple values should be comma-separated.
title The title for the photo or video.  If any disallowed tags are included, all html with be stripped from the description.
description A description for the object. The value can include save HTML tags such as <b> or <p>; however, if any disallowed tags are included, all html with be stripped from the description.
tags Space-separated list of tags to attach to the object. If this parameter is omitted, existing tags are left unchanged. If the paramter is specified, all existing tags will be overwritten with the new value.
published_p Is the video published?
Allowed values: 0 or 1

Permission level

The minimum required permission level is:


Example XML Response

<response status="ok" permission_level="write" 
  message="The photo/video was updated" cached="0"/>

Example JSON Response

  "status": "ok", 
  "message":"The photo/video was updated",
  "p": "1",
  "size": "1",
  "site": { ... },
  "endpoint": "/api/photo/update"