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Tips, Tricks & Hacks to Succeeding With Video at INBOUND 2017

September 20th, 2017

HubSpot’s INBOUND 2017 is quickly approaching at the end of September (you can meet the TwentyThree team there at booth M13) and we’re excited to learn, network, and most importantly, share what we’ve learned with the rest of the marketing world.

Since we’re a video marketing platform, we thought it might be prudent to share how brands can leverage video at INBOUND 2017 and any future upcoming events. Whether you’re a sponsor, attending with a team, or there solo, there are a number different ways, platforms, and tips to succeeding with video at a fast-moving event like INBOUND 2017. Who knows, maybe you’ll even make this list someday.

Tell Stories & Find Value

Just like any piece of marketing content, it’s important to remember the crux of video: storytelling. It may be obvious to some, but storytelling should always have certain aspects. In marketing, adding actionable value to the end-user should always be top of mind. How will this content help my audience? Can they use it in their everyday job? Will it quickly capture the attention of my customer?

According to Forbes, storytelling in marketing requires brands to “Be genuine. Be honest. Be real,” and find a connection with your audience that compels them into taking an action. With video, there’s never been a better opportunity to be genuine and real. There is no hiding with video and that’s why it’s so exciting for brands to create valuable visual content.

The human brain consumes images 60,000x faster than text, which means you can tell your story in a more succinct way. It’s imperative to find a narrative that your audience cares about. For example, at INBOUND, there are a number of sessions, experts, and brands that fit into certain categories. Find those individuals that your audience cares about and seek out a way to create video content with or about them (more on that later). At TwentyThree, we have a studio at INBOUND to interview those thought-leaders at INBOUND who are experts on inbound, content, video, and social marketing, all topics that our customers care about. And each person will have a unique story to tell about how to succeed in digital marketing.

Choose the Format

The format you choose for your video content is especially important in defining how to succeed with visual sharing. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, email and your own website/landing pages are all channels that can be used by marketers to share video content. They all have different rules for distributing content:

Facebook video gets 8 billion views per day, making it hard to stand out from the noise. But ignoring Facebook in 2017 isn’t an option for any marketer. Facebook videos can range from live video content to product information to thought-leadership, but it always needs to be shareable and consumed quickly. Especially when sharing from an event like INBOUND.

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, which means SEO can play a big part of posting video to YouTube. Full length video recap videos from events can boost organic rankings.

Twitter video only allows for marketers to post 140 seconds, but that’s enough time to share compelling content from an event like INBOUND. If the clip is longer, make sure to link to a full video on your website where it’s easier to capture and nurture a potential customer.

LinkedIn video is relatively new, and typically used by individuals rather than brands (yet). Events present a particularly good opportunity to share thought-leadership video from speakers and attendees.

Snapchat isn’t used by every business, but it quickly growing into a formidable channel for marketers. No longer than 10 seconds, Snapchat is great for sharing short, interesting videos from an event like INBOUND. Carlos Gil shared some worthwhile advice at this years Komfo Summit on how brands can succeed with storytelling on Snapchat: 

is similar to Snapchat in that they both only take short video content. Make it shareable and informational.

Email can be transformed by the use of video. Our research shows that adding a GIF to an email can improve click-through-rates by 62%, which will be key for any follow up after INBOUND.

Owned Video typically requires a little more editing and attention, but can be the most impactful of all the channels. With a video marketing platform, brands can create high quality video content to capture leads, track video watching behavior, and nurture prospects down the funnel. This could be anything from a live event to a video with an influencer to a product video that explains a unique aspect of your business.

Tips, Tricks, & Hacks for Creating Video on the Go

All of these various channels are vitally important for sharing video content, which sometimes is required to be made quickly and on the on the go. At INBOUND, things move fast, and the people move even faster. To keep your content quality high, there are a few small additions you can make to your video marketing repertoire to succeed:

Audio is one of the most important aspects of producing quality video content. It can rarely be fixed in editing, and must be properly captured in the moment. Using a lavalier mic with your iPhone or camera at an event like INBOUND can exponentially increase the quality of your videos.

Vido audio gear

tactics can turn any video into a professional looking piece of content, set the scene, and intrigue viewers to watch more. These can be created easily with any iPhone or DLSR or a steady hand.

Light, like audio, is hard to fix in post-production. We recommend trying to frame up each interview if the proper lighting is available:

Light video marketing

Additional Gear like a versatile shoulder pod or adaptable tripod can also take video production to the next level of any marketer making video on the go:

Video gear marketing

These tips for creating quality content on the go at a fast moving event like INBOUND can improve quality, increase production, and help marketers find the right channel to share their content.

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